Can the man live in harmony with the nature?
We try to reply to this question by reading books and articles of economics, technology, philosophy and history.
„Ecology “to us means the set of science and human studies aiming at keeping the balance between nature, their organisms and the man.
“L’uomo e la natura“ by Leonardo da Vinci, edited by M. De Micheli, Publisher: Feltrinelli, Series: Universale economica, I classici, year of publication 2008 EAN Code: 9788807820151
“Ecological Vignettes” by Eugene P. Odun. ISBN-13: 978-9057025228 ISBN-10: 9057025221
“Chimica Pulita” by Hermann Fischer, Published by Tecniche Nuove, year of publication 1995, ISBN 88-481-0108-9
“Bioeconomica. La chimica verde e la rinascita di un’eccellenza italiana” by Stefano Ciafani and Beppe Croce, Publisher: Edizioni Ambiente, 2015, EAN: 978886627143
“La grande sintesi” by Pietro Ubaldi, Publisher: Edizioni Mediterranee, Year of Publication; 1980
EAN: 9788827209523
“Ermetismo del Rinascimento” by Eugenio Garin, Publisher: Pacini Editore, Edizioni della Normale, 2012, ISBN 978-88-7642-211-9
Competitive approach with technological and man-centred priority
“The future of humanity is fundamentally going to bifurcate along one of two directions: Either we’re going to become a multiplanet species and a spacefaring civilization, or we’re going be stuck on one planet until some eventual extinction event”. Elon Musk
“Elon Musk: A Million Humans Could Live on Mars By the 2060s” by Nadia Drake – National Geographic.
Cooperative Approach, with social and earth centred priorities
“Extending the time for the personal fulfilment in politics, private and creative life as well as in the game and contemplation without imposing boundaries and duties is the main condition for the creation of a new wealth”
“De-Growth Debate and New Scientific Analysis of Economic Growth”, Jari Kaivo-oja*, Jarmo Vehmas, Jyrki Luukkanen, Journal of Environmental Protection, Vol.05 No.15(2014)
Intervento al parlamento europeo sulla decrescita – Serge Latouche – Associazione Eco Filosofica – Treviso
Global Thinking: connections to the Hermetic and Renaissance philosophy
“We need to conserve, we need to save the Earth-patria. Under these conditions, truths from the most diverse horizons can converge within us: the sciences, humanities, faith, ethics or our awareness of living the planetary Iron Age”. EDGAR MORIN
Towards Ecologised Thought. Interview with Edgar Morin – IEMedObs, Euro-Mediterranean policy observatory of the European Institute of the Mediterranean.
“Complex Thinking for a Complex World – About Reductionism, Disjunction and Systemism” by Edgar Morin, SYSTEMA Connecting matter, life, culture and technology, OPEN JOURNAL SYSTEMS